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The Creditors’ Meeting

When people hear about the creditors’ meeting in relation to a bankruptcy filing, they usually envision a tribunal type of setting that is far worse than it is in reality. In the majority of cases, the creditors’ meeting typically consists of a few basic questions from the trustee and lasts less than 10 minutes. Many people let an inaccurate view of the creditors’ meeting keep them from even looking into the possibility of seeking debt relief through bankruptcy.

I am Alabama bankruptcy attorney Brent W. Davis. For more than 20 years, I have dedicated my legal career to helping people regain control of their finances through consumer bankruptcy, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings. As a dedicated bankruptcy lawyer, I have heard all the myths and all of the reasons that people have for deciding against bankruptcy as a debt relief option.

I am committed to getting accurate information into the hands of people who might otherwise make a critical decision for the wrong reasons. Before you decide to abandon the idea of seeking debt relief through bankruptcy because you don’t want to go through the creditors’ meeting, it is important that you understand exactly how this proceeding works and what you can expect.

Exactly What Happens at a Creditors’ Meeting?

The first thing you need to understand is that the creditors’ meeting is not a hearing. Though you are put under oath and your answers are on the record, there is no judge present and this is not a Bankruptcy Court proceeding. Prior to the meeting I will work with you to prepare the necessary documentation you will need and be there to represent you at the meeting with you. Though no two meetings are the same, I also do my best to prepare you for the types of questions that may be asked and what information the trustee is looking for when he or she asks them.

The primary purpose for the creditors’ meeting is to give the trustee an opportunity to gather the necessary information to properly manage your case. Questions about the information in your bankruptcy petition and your income are common at these meetings. Creditors are also invited to this meeting though few, if any, ever attend. Those that do are allowed to ask questions about the debt that is owed to them. Questions from creditors at these meetings are also extremely rare.

Contact My Office for a Free Initial Consultation

Get the answers you need to make the best decision for you and your future. Contact my office today to schedule a free, in-person consultation at my Birmingham office. My regular business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Free parking is available. You can reach me by phone at (205) 989-1919 . You can also contact me via e-mail.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Brent W. Davis, L.L.C.

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2166 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham, AL 35124

Phone: (205) 989-1919

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Avvo Rating Very Good Chapter 13