Your creditors are smart, and they are going to go where the money is in order to get the money you owe them. If you cannot make timely payments on your debt, they may start wage garnishments or tax liens. An experienced lawyer can help you take action to stop them.
I am attorney Brent W. Davis, and from my Birmingham law office, I have been helping people get the debt relief they deserve for almost twenty years. I know how creditors work and I know your options to work with them. I can help you come up with a plan to stop wage garnishment today.
Honest Counsel for Honest Debt Solutions:Contact Brent W. Davis & Associates
Debt is a serious problem and sometimes it requires tough solutions and hard decisions. I am going to give you an honest assessment of your situation, not just the information you want to hear, so you can make the tough choices you need to make for your own financial future.
If you want to stop wage garnishment and tax liens, you do have options. When you file for bankruptcy, you will receive an automatic stay, which will immediately stop any wage garnishment actions by your creditors. You may also be able to work out a payment plan or loan modification with your creditors which will forestall any actions and allow you to avoid bankruptcy.
If you are worried about tax liens and wage garnishments, you may have other major debt concerns as well. I will be there to advise you through every phase of the process, including ways to prevent foreclosure and stop repossession.
Schedule a Free Initial Consultation With a Birmingham Bankruptcy Attorney
If you struggle with debt, the last thing you want is for money to be taken out of your paycheck. There is a way to make ends meet, and I can help you find it. Available at my office weekdays from eight to five, I am located in Birmingham – Homewood and Pelham and offer free parking. Contact me at (205) 989-1919 today for a free initial consultation.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.