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Changing Information On A Credit Report

Changing Information On A Credit Report

Ensuring the accuracy of your credit report is critical. Lenders, potential business partners and others rely heavily on this information and make decisions that can seriously impact your life based in large part on what that information tells them. From your personal information and your employment history to unpaid debts and open lines of credit, having the correct information on your report should be a top priority.

I am Alabama bankruptcy attorney Brent W. Davis. I represent clients in all types of legal issues related to bankruptcy and debt relief. After practicing bankruptcy law in Alabama and the Birmingham area for more than 20 years, I understand the various issues that can arise with regard to accurate credit reports. I am fully prepared to provide the representation you need to ensure the accuracy of your report and to take the necessary action if credit report disputes arise.

Committed to Honesty, Integrity and You | Contact Brent W. Davis & Associates

If you find inaccuracies on your credit report, you can work with the specific credit bureau to have them corrected. You will need to take the appropriate steps in order to make a change, and each bureau has its own process for accommodating these requests. These processes can become overwhelming very quickly for people who are not familiar with them. Many people find it helpful to have a qualified lawyer to assist with these matters.

I can help you correct all types of information on your credit report. I have experience with matters involving all of the major credit bureaus, including Experian, Equifax and TransUnion, including the following:

  • Name and address information
  • Employment history
  • Status of accounts and closed lines of credit
  • Disputing paid debts that still show a balance owed

For additional information about how to contact any of the major credit bureaus, please visit our credit bureau contact information page.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

I offer a free, in-person consultation at my Birmingham office to all new clients. I will provide a thorough review of your situation, explain your options and let you know what I can do to help. My regular business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and free parking is available. You can reach me by phone at (205) 989-1919 or via e-mail.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

Brent W. Davis, L.L.C.

New Address:

2166 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham, AL 35124

Phone: (205) 989-1919

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Available 7am - 9pm

Avvo Rating Very Good
Avvo Rating Very Good Chapter 13