What to Do When a Garnishment Hits You Like a Load of Bricks.
I spoke with a client today who suddenly had her entire bank account totally emptied because of a garnishment from a lawsuit 15 years ago. She was in tears. Her rent is due in 10 days. Her car loan is due in 5 days. Now she can’t afford diapers if the garnishment hits her Pay Check too.
We were able to propose a Chapter Thirteen debt reorganization case. We used the Federal Bankruptcy law to STOP the Garnishment in a few days. We also caught up her late mortgage payments. Now her car loan is smaller and all debts are rolled into one lower payment through the Federal Court Chapter Thirteen debt repayment plan.
How We Use the Power of Bankruptcy to STOP THE GARNISHMENT NOW.
Both Chapter Seven and Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy will stop garnishment FAST. Eliminate the debt forever in Chapter Seven. Freeze, crush and shrink the garnishment in Chapter Thirteen as you enjoy the benefits of total debt restructuring; reduce all your debts and pay them back with lower payments.
So give us a call or come on in. I will be glad to talk to you and answer your questions and STOP that garnishment the fast and legal way.
See if you qualify for a No Money Down Chapter 13 Bankruptcy