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Bankruptcy Answers for Alabama

How Long Does it Take to Get Out of Debt with Chapter 7?

How Long Does it Take to Get Out of Debt with Chapter 7? After filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are a few steps before your debts are officially forgiven. First, you need to take some classes: You'll need to complete a credit counseling course before you file and a...

Bankruptcy Lawyers Can’t Bankrupt Your Student Loan, OR Can They?

What to Do When the Student Loan Repayment Ends in September 2023 and You Just Don’t Have the Money. Who is eligible? New AND former bankruptcy clients How We Use the Power of Bankruptcy Law to Reduce or Eliminate Your Student Loans Review/Recertification of Income...

Wage Garnishment! Paycheck Garnishment! Now I Can’t Pay My Rent!

What to Do When a Garnishment Hits You Like a Load of Bricks. I spoke with a client today who suddenly had her entire bank account totally emptied because of a garnishment from a lawsuit 15 years ago. She was in tears. Her rent is due in 10 days. Her car loan is due...

What happens if I fail the Means Test in Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

The bankruptcy means test analyzes your income to determine whether or not you are eligible to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Consisting of two steps, the means test is used to determine if you have sufficient disposable income to pay off your debts.It’s important to bear...

Do You Qualify For An Exclusion From The Bankruptcy Means Test?

Some higher earning people may be concerned that the Chapter Seven bankruptcy Means Test would prevent them from getting protection from debts. The recently announced extension of the National Guard and Reservists Debt Relief Act of 2008 means those Means Test...

Holiday Spending Can Come at a High Cost

Holiday spending will come at a high cost if it means adding on additional credit card debt just as interest rates rise. With Credit Cards at 36% interest means you’ll spend 28 years paying off a $5,000 debt. We can use bankruptcy law to keep your property safe and...

Who is the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee and What Does He Do?

The job of a bankruptcy Trustee is to seize and sell your house, car and other property to pay your debts. It sounds scary, but we can use bankruptcy law to keep your property safe from the bankruptcy trustee AND make the trustee work for OUR side when we choose a...

Don’t Go to Jail for Back Child Support!

We serve many hard-working people that pay their child support and love their kids. When good people have employment interruptions or illness, child support payments can fall behind. Unfortunately, here in Alabama Child Support laws can be used to kick you when you’re...

What is the Means Test? Can I pass it?

The Means Test is a Clumsy Attempt to Keep Rich People Out of Bankruptcy, Right? Well yes and no. That means test is a clumsy piece of legislation that is true. It is also true that rich people usually don’t file chapter 7 bankruptcy. It’s not easy to determine...

Brent W. Davis, L.L.C.

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