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Bankruptcy Answers for Alabama

Bad Loans Remain Well Above Precrisis Levels

Even though unemployment is shrinking, wages have fallen over the past seven years since the Great Recession of 2007.  Banks are struggling to make new loans to a smaller pool of high credit rating holders.  The bad debts that limp along keep banks from recovering and...

How to Tell When Bankruptcy Makes Sense For You.

It's a good question.  Over the past 23 years representing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy clients have told me how they knew it was time to get protection from debt.  There are five ways most people know. 1.  Age and  Retirement Savings.  When you look at your...

Brent W. Davis, L.L.C.

New Address:

2166 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham, AL 35124

Phone: (205) 989-1919

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Available 7am - 9pm

Avvo Rating Very Good
Avvo Rating Very Good Chapter 13