Holiday spending will come at a high cost if it means adding on additional credit card debt just as interest rates rise.
With Credit Cards at 36% interest means you’ll spend 28 years paying off a $5,000 debt. We can use bankruptcy law to keep your property safe and work for YOUR side when we choose a Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy Plan.
Chapter Thirteen bankruptcy is a legally enforceable personal debt re-organization using the full backing of the local US Federal Bankruptcy Judge. The Federal Judge tells your creditors what to do and how to do it. The best part is that YOU get to write the debt re-organization plan that the Judge enforces.
How We Can Use Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Law to Protect YOU When the Credit Card Bills Come.
Chapter 13 can crush your credit card debt down to nearly nothing while you continue to pay your mortgage or rent and keep your vehicles.
We can protect your home and vehicles using the legal power of Chapter Thirteen Bankruptcy. An experienced Chapter Thirteen bankruptcy lawyer knows just what to do to keep your home and vehicles safe so YOU keep them!
The Chapter Thirteen Debtors Court bankruptcy will give you time to safely catch-up mortgage arrearages and restructure vehicle loans. We will get a Judge-approved plan to re-organize and SHRINK your CREDIT CARD debts, so your budget works again.
Chapter Thirteen will catch up car payments, mortgages and even STOP IRS! We can propose up to 60 months to repay most debts at zero interest. We can do the same for you. Ask about our no-money-down attorney fee and court costs case filing program. File the case now and pay later. Virtual consultations are available.
Come in or call 205-989-1919 for a FREE consultation.
Talk to a lawyer (not an assistant) TODAY!